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Children’s Liturgy of the Word (C.L.O.W.)

The mission of CLOW or Children’s Liturgy of the Word is to celebrate the Word of God and to have children hear and relate to weekend readings in language suitable for them. CLOW is geared towards children 5 to 11. The Sunday Gospel is read, and discussion or an activity is conducted by an assigned presenter. The idea is to make the readings relative and memorable to the children and to enhance their worship experience.  The children return to the assembly in the main church during the preparation of the gifts as, together, we celebrate the Eucharist around the table as one family of faith.


K.I.D (Kids in Discipleship) Church


During 9:00 am Sunday Mass, KID CHURCH opens in the Parish Hall for children under 4 years of age.  Trained care-givers provide play and learning activities for infants and toddlers so that parents can fully participate in the Mass
