May's Church Report

webmaster, Wednesday 04 May 2011 - 10:09:28

Eric Schummacher
410 557 6989


Divine Mercy Sunday Service

On Sunday May 1st, at 5:00 PM St. John’s will be holding the annual DivineMercy Service in the Chapel. The Knights will be supporting the service by takingpart in the readings. Doug Byerly will be leading us in music. We will provide the Chaplet prayer booklets.We maintain the Divine Mercy tapestry. After the service, we will provide refreshments in the Council Home and we hope to show a taped edition of the beatification ceremony for Pope John Paul II that will takeplace on May 1st earlier in the day in Rome. Please make plans to join us and the parishioners of St. John’sin praying the Divine Mercy liturgy. Remember that we all can se Jesus’ Divine Mercy in our lives.


Fifth Sunday Mass

 May 29th is the 5th Sunday of May. We will meet as a group and attend Mass together on Saturday May28 at 5:00 PM and then gather in the Council Home for a Pot Luck Supper.May is the Month of Mary. Remember to pray the Rosary everyday asking for her help with yourintentions. You can go this page on the Supreme website and get the pamphlet about praying the  

You can also go to this site:
to get help with prayers in general.

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