February's Membership Report

webmaster, Wednesday 04 May 2011 - 09:59:45


Chuck Bogdanowicz, PGK


The First Degree which was scheduled for the second meeting in January was canceled due to having a small class. We currently have 6 prospects who expressed an interest in joining and we are working on trying to meet with them to conduct interviews. However, Paul Weber has informed me that we will have to suspend several additional members for delinquent dues in the
near future, which would negate the added effect of these new members.

One of our goals this fraternal year is to get all the members in need of their Second and Third Degree completed. There is a Second degree on February 15, at Notre Dame Council. We are planning on attending the Third Degree at Dundalk Council on February 26. There is also a Third Degree at Cardinal Gibbons Council on March 18. Please keep these dates open if you need
these degrees. The membership team will be contacting you as these dates draw closer.

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