March's Chaplain Report

webmaster, Wednesday 04 May 2011 - 09:34:37

Rev. Msgr. Richard E. Cramblitt

Dear Brother Knights,

In just a few weeks the great season will begin. When I say the great season I am referring to both Lent and Easter. They are in fact not two realities but one great season of grace. At the very center of the Lent-Easter season is Holy Week. On Ash Wednesday we begin the journey that leads us to the cross of Good Friday. We remain there near the cross until the glory of the resurrection is revealed on Easter. Then, from the stunning event of Easter we move through the Easter season until at last we come Pentecost. This is all a seamless progression and it is meant to renew us in faith and to deepen our spirituality. The real goal of it is to bring us into a deep union with the Risen Christ - a union so deep and pervasive that it will last right into our personal eternity in heaven. With that in mind I ask you to consider how you will keep the Lenten season this year. Ifyou really want it to be effective in your life you must plan it out as carefully as you plan all themost important things in your life. Ask yourself where you would like be by the time Holy Weekcomes. Do you want to be forgiven of something haunting your past? Do you wish to be closer tothe Lord through prayer? Do you want your own life to be more closely conformed to the Christ?Determine NOW what you wish to accomplish in the season of grace and then plan the steps youneed to take. Lent is such a golden opportunity! Seize the opportunity!

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