Tuesday 11 October 2011

Council Home Repairs

Category - | Author - webmaster | Tuesday 11 October 2011 - 12:47:10

Recently we have discovered that the southeast corner of the Council Home is eroding from past and recent heavy rains running off from the cemetery.  This is a serious problem that threatens thecouncil1.gif structural integrity of the building.  The repairs include inserting a new foundation below that corner and are very expensive, more costly than the Council can afford. 

St John the Evangelist actually owns the building and we are just tenants.  However, in the past, when repairs were necessary, the Knights have made them or have hired contractors to do the work.  In this case the parish has determined that the repairs will be made and that they will direct the process.  The building has historical significance, has future value for the parish and will allow the Knights to stay on the campus.  The Knights will be able to repay the parish over a period of time, making it possible for the Knights to manage the cash flow for this major repair.

The Council Home was rehabilitated by a band of Brother Knights in a self help project in the early 90’s (that’s the 1990’s!).  The church was considering tearing it down but the Knights intervened and St John’s let us remodel it for our Council Home.  We have council2.gifgotten over 20 years of good service from the building, but any old structure will need repair. 

We have been told that the building was erected in the early 1900’s (circa 1905) as the original St John’s school and so it has historical value for the parish.  One of the nuns who taught there told of how the school classes were arranged in the building and a fireplace furnished heat for the building.

Many changes have been made over the years including additions for the current kitchen area, office, storage and pool table rooms.  In more recent years we have added heating, air conditioning, a septic system replacement, and a new roof. 

 The most recent upgrade was an audio visual system that supports a projection TV system, Blu
 Ray digital video disk movies, music CD playing, Public Address system, surround sound and more.

The Hall is capable of hosting business, social and other event types for a crowd of up to 60 people.  This event hosting concept is one of the ways that the Council developed to help pay for the operation of the Hall as well as to foster fraternity among the Council and an inexpensive venue for parishioners to use for family activities. The pictures here show the Hall set up for a St Patrick’s Day Party (on the left) and a Leprechaun that attended, on the right.

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